Say No To Dark Neck.

Hello all you beautiful people out there and a warm welcome on this side by me alfaaz your very own good friend.

Now here I am with yet another remedies to enhance your beauties look as well.

woman in black tank top with braided hair
Photo by on

It’s right many of us just take a really good care of of our face,hands and body,but in this all process the Neck is mostly neglected

This should actually be not done or should not happen . Well this also happens sometimes by harmonal imbalances,fungal infections,harsh sun rays, dust and many such more. This not only effects our beauty but also our personality in a whole.

Well my this episode is just about the remedies and care to be taken in such cases. Here are some of the useful tips in this particular segment.



  1. Aloevera.

Today aloevera is used mostly in every beauty product.It is highly effective and most trusted beauty remedy. So if u are affected with a dark neck, you just have to take the gel of  fresh aloevera leave ,crush with a folk or just whip in a mixxy and apply on the affected part,let it sit for 15mins and then wash it of. This is to be done daily untill you see good results.This mixture can be stored in a glass container for about a week.

2.  Bakind Soda.

For this you just have to mix baking soda and water to form a thick paste, this paste is to be used as a scrub and massage for a while, let it sit for 10 mins and then wash off.

3. Neem Paste.

Once in a weak if Neem paste is applied then the affected area starts to brighten up.This is because neem has anti bacterial properties and also has some whitening agents in it

3. Lemon.

Lemon is the best natural bleaching agent, so one should scrub lemon daily before bath to remove the darkness of neck. But you should carefully apply a good moisturizer after bath on neck.

4. Badam  ( Almonds).

Almonds are the best beauty enhancer but this is one of the good home remedy Inthis case. For this crush 5 to 8 almonds mix one spoon milk and honey ,now this paste is to be scrubed on neck for 2 to 3 times in a week .

4. Chandan Powder(Sandal wood Powder).

A good paste of Chandan powder and rose water when applied on neck and massage for a while ,then let it remain for at least half an hour  it really works wonders.Leaving a really soothing fragrance around you.

5. Turmeric(Haldi).

Turmeric is the most effective , ancient and trusted home remedy in India for a fair and glowing skin. For this just make a paste of Turmeric and milk and apply on all the affected parts of the body  let it dry for a while, then slowly massage and remove it of the skin and then wash off. This remedy when tried for few weeks come out with wonderful results.

Thank you.

These are some of the effective home remedies to get rid of dark neck and other affected areas of body. Do try  and happy pampering to yourself.


Do reply or comment.

woman wears gold colored blue gemstone pendant necklace
Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya on



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Just imagine a world full of technology, with all the updates and sophistication that u have always thought of.A busy market with all the services that that u need just at a click on your phone,like while leaving from office u have a car car without driver,your home appliances are managed by you from away places just @ the click of a button ,u can relax and read while on travel or even at work places just because the world is growing towards a technoservy world and things.This is just possible because we are stepping in a century of  5G speed.


Internet Facts.

It’s a fact that we nowadays are more dependent on internet rather than collecting information from books or other sources.Its quiet obvious that we have to match up the world and keep ourselves updated,till it was 4G that had a good hold in the market and business world but with the growing competition it’s not enough for today to lead the world so it’s again a time to step forward and move on towards a new technology with a more greater speed.Its true that 4G till was quite supportive as in case of data transfer, watching vedios,vedio conference,live chat and so on. But with 5G we will have a more greater speed and easy access over all the things related to our work an d services. As it is always said that the  new generation is rather more advanced and easy acceptable towards the latest technology and innovation. It’s true it is a late start in India towards this revolution but in the past few years India has cope up with the growing world with a great speed and acceptance.

It’s also true that these services would be first launched in America and other developing countries as there already the trial and usage of this technology has been started. Not only there but in other ,more than 150countries the trial I being started.So to cope with all these India also has buckled up her shoes.This growth can can be credited to The  Reliance Jio Network ,that a revolution was created in ye 2016.Its because of this Network that today Telecom services are easily available in the most remote areas of India, may not in that particular speed but at least the services are now available there where once there wasn’t even the electric supply. Maybe the growth is slow but it is steady and up to it’s Mark to catch up the race. Initially may be the usage of 5G may be a little difficult part for the common man but with it’s growth and unavoidable importance in business and education and other feilds it will gain the required position.



It’s true that for launching such a speedy and innovative service alot of spectrum is required,so this is the basic reason that India is lacking behind in this race .Whereas  in America and other countries it has already been on a trial. To cope up with this problem itself it is that the big Telecom companies are on the merging process to gather funds and launch this service for a good business profit.If at all this service is launched successfully than by no far in 2020 yr we will be a good technoserved market for business and other purposes also. And by no far in 2026yr  India would be well established not only in the Telecom Industry but also in Manufacturing, Energy and Other necessary services with tevenue of about  27 billion dollar as analysed by  Ericson  company.

Alert Mobile Companies

Even the mobile companies are ready for this new service. After Motorola,Xiomi .with it’s MI mix -3  is going to step in with its 5G .phone .Wherein this phone is still being launched in China but it’s a good start in this feild. It’s to be said that by the year 2019. even VIVO,Nokia, HTC, etc are ready to launch their 5G phone .These phones are to be said will have their latest technology and updates. In this 5G race South Korea is leading India in Asia. India is taking assistance from the South Korean Technitions  But India is not totally dependent on other countries so  the Indian government has said the IIT to build up a 5G test cell.  Even Samsung is ready with it’s Galaxy S-10  to support 5G Network. So we can say the mobile companies are also ready with their 5G chipset.

So in the end  I can readily say that the introduction of 2G to 4G had changed human life  but with the introduction of 5G the whole society will experience the change and revolution in their life.

Thank you.


Beauty and Skin Care.

15414327481311933218816Welcome,Khushamadeed, Jee Aaya no.


This is just a new way to welcome all you lovely people out there. I just strongly invite you to yet another exciting episode of mine .this would really be a good one as  I strongly believe in what I have mentioned here and also do apply all these steps .

Beauty for me is not just the outer look of a person but how exactly he or she is from within is more important and remembered of. In today’s world everyone just loves to appear beautiful and peresentable but unless you are calm and contented from within it hardly reflects your beauty. It’s well said that” Beauty reflects your inner personality”  That just it simply means if you are strong enough from  your mind and decession it is directly reflected in your attitude and that makes you look more confident and remarkble. This doesn’t mean that you should be only taking good care from within and not about your looks and your body. Wherein inner beauty is reflected from a healthy body and strong mind,on the other hand the outer beauty reflected from a beautiful skin and a good dressing sense. So for a person to look totally beautiful and attractive it’s necessary to be heathy ,fit and peresentable.


  • Please be calm and stress-free.
  • Do exercise regularly.
  • Yoga is the best way to relax and attain inner beauty.
  • A healthy and a balanced diet is must.
  • Be punctual in your timings.

Early to bed and early to rise is the best policy.

These are just some of the basic steps towards healthy body and mind ,there are many more to be listed.


The best way to look beautiful is a really good and glowing skin that reflects your whole personality.So the best way to make your skin healthy is use of some some essential oils,that I do follow .So let’s just have a look.

  1. Ghee:    The ancient and most effective oil for a good skin is ghee(clarified butter).
  2. Lemon oil: It’s the best to heal pigmentation and acne.
  3. Need oil:.  Need has a lot of medicinal values, so it’s the best for curing pimples and scars.
  4. Almond oil:  Rich in vitamin and A and E ,this oil is best for making your skin soft and supple.

Rose essential oil:.   This oil has it’s own arroma and healing plus soothing therapy .This is best for younger lookin and glowing skin.

These are just some of the oils many more to come. But remember these oil are to be dropped in or masaged at your belly button .These oils can be massaged for 5 mins or just a cotton ball dipped in and placed at the belly button(navel). Doing this just creates wonders on your skin ,do try once according to your skin type and do reply or comment .


Have a good day and a beautiful soul and body  See ya.


कभी ड्डांटी, कभी सहलाती,

केअभी बहलाती,कभी पुचकारती,

तू हर पल याद बहुत है आती,”मां”

कहीं आगन में ,कहीं फूलों की क्यारी में,

कहीं मंदिर में ,कहीं महकी सी रसोई में,

तू हर जगह है नजर आती,

की आज भी मुझे,

तू हर पल याद बहुत है आती “मां”

तू आज नहीं है मेरे पास,

मगर फिर भी तेरे होने का है एहसास,

टूटता नहीं यह विश्वास,

की तू नहीं है आस पास,

कुओंकी आज भी तू याद बहुत है आती”मां”

ईधार कितना अकेला में,

उधर  कहीं  दूर है तू,

मुझे सब कहते है की नहीं है तू “मां”

मैं कैसे मान लूं तू नहीं है “मां”

करती है सबकुछ,

मगर ना कहती कुछ,

वो जो आंधियों का भी रुख मोड़ दे

ऐ सी  है तू “मां”

जो तूफ़ानों में भी शांत सरिता सी बहती है,

ऐ सी है तू “मां”

वो केहतें है दूर बहुत तू “मां”,

मगर माएँ तो दूर होके भी सदा है पास,

दूर होके भी सदा है पास

ऐ सी है तू  “मां”

Missing my mom,so a poem dedicated to her by me.

Written by Sangita(alfazehsaas).


Festive season v/s Skin care.

Hello, out there u all beautiful ladies welcome once again to alfaaz world.I m so happy to chat with you all so early ,I had never thought of but see ,I miss you all so much that I can’t live without spending a good time with you and sharing my experience and feelings with you all lovely people out there.

Thankyou all for being my friends and giving such a wide relationship with all you wonderful people.

Now lets get into my topic.

Yeah it’s true it’s a festive season and all over happiness,colourful lights,a jous kind of atmosphere all over.

People just love to  dress up in the best way they feel and a really good makeup to enhance their look and beauty all over.Thats really good and also the best way to enjoy your festivals and gather some really awesome memories in your album.I wish you the same for it. We also have a good amount of heavy food,sweets etc. This all is so exciting and feel happy mood for the festive,but along with this it’s also very very important and necessary to take a good care of yourself during this season.So here are some really good tips and precautions for you.And let me tell you these all are really safe and mine own experience that are really shared by my grandma.So let’s take a quick look on them.



Firstly before applying any makeup make it sure you apply a cube of ice wrapped in a cotton cloth on your face and please don’t forget the neck.This will help stay makeup longer and even the product used by you won’t affect you skin much as the ice creates a protective layer over it.

Second it’s also the time of some weather change so please apply a good moisturizer according to your skin type so as your skin doesn’t feel dry.

Please please never use local products on your skin just to save some bugs.

The main care to be taken is mostly during night when the make is to be removed. Mostly ladies just don’t wash off the face properly,and just wipe out with wet tissues ,that is absolutely wrong and not good for your skin texture .

Rather washing your face with soaps or face wash,just try apaste of gramflour(besan) and water with two drops of lemon juice.Massage gently in circular motion and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Last but not the least apply some fresh milk cream or afew drops of clarified butter along with some rosewater mixed in a bowl and applied all over your face ,neck and arms.This being the best remedy to avoid dry skin,harsh effect of the heavy makeup and exposure to pollution.

Lastly take a sound sleep ,that is must. As it is well said

“A deep sleep will reap a glowing beauty”

That would be all for today .Catch  you soon with another exciting topic and tips. Enjoy your festivals fully and I m here to help you out with any problems and take a good care of you. If any queries do feel free to ask and do comment about the same.

By_by,  shaba Khair, good night and a very good life ahead.

Thank you for your support and love.Please keep it the same.

Please comment and like through my email .

Literature is to express.

Hello and a warm welcome to all my new views and friends out there.Its so good and an honour to speak to you all directly after such a long time .I just can’t express how happy I am.

So let me start with my subject i.e truly directed in my title.

It’s so really true Literature is just the best way to express our feelings,impress in the form of poetry to the other person whom we love,respect,miss,and so on….

Literature is so vast that you just can’t fill in your arms,or just sink deep into it and feel it. It is just to be read,observed,feel it’s smoothness,cherish it’s beauty,and express the unfelt motion that it creates through it’s words in the form of poetry or oneliners,phrases,articles etc.Just watch the magic that a motivational oneliners can create on you if you truly feel it and understand below

“Design your dreams,

Dreams will design your destiny.”

See this motivational quote by me may sound simple but it has a large impact on those who dare to dream and take arisk and courage to design and change their destiny.

It’s never too late to start a fresh and grow how big you want to. It’s all up to you to create,motivate,express or impress all because of literature.

It’s just the beauty of the language and your way to design and create a new way to to dress your words and express your feeling and attain your goals.

May be that’s all for today. It’s not that I can’t write but as I said it’s so vast and deep that you just can’t hold in your arms .So just read and explore and express in that better way as you feel great.

Every dark night has a really bright morning,

Just buckup sun is waiting for your crowning.